
Saturday, April 2, 2011

Langhorne Slim likes to dance

Concert: Langhorne Slim
Day: Wednesday, March 30th
Place: Mercy Lounge, Nashville
Cost: $10 (awesome)
Temp: 43 degrees (not awesome)

The lovely thing about working a 8-5 is not having to ask off for a concert in Nashville. It gets a little tricky when it a late concert…as the closer to 9pm it is the more likely I will have pajamas on. Normally once the comfy pants go on, they tend to hug my legs in a sweet embrace for the remainder of the evening, and changing into something I would want to meet other humans in takes real commitment.

Mercy lounge is about 25 minutes from my house if I take the slow backroads way and I always do. I'm not a fan of the highway, its full of Bullies with zero patience.

I arrived before the parking attendant and thus I parked for free. =) Langhorne Slim was hanging out in the parking lot when I pulled up. Did I walk up and say Hello? No, of course not..that would require balls and just so we are on the same page...I am a girl.

I brought my lead weight with me. There are pros and cons to bringing your lead weight to a concert. A pro of course is the photo documenting of the evening. Another, that Strangers will come up to you and strike up a conversation who probably wouldn't have even smiled at you otherwise. Other photographers flock to you and assume you know the secret handshake and begin speaking in photog. We're only slightly cooler than Trekkers…and its a hardly noticeable difference.

The cons began when you want to dance. Its a careful balance of holding this Cannon ball so there is minimal shaking of your life investment but optimal shaking of your ass.

I met a nice couple from one of the Carolinas whom I shared a table with, and we chatted about the best brunch in Nashville and concerts until the show started. I met a drunk guy who assumed I would know how to work the settings on his camera and kept asking me to "make it brighter"…which I really wasn't sure what that meant. I do wish I could have just made him brighter though.

Another photographer approached me ever so slyly and fell into the character of my nemesis for a few moments. He was actually kind of cute which let me just say, is as rare as a cute Trekker. He wanted me to know that he wouldn't be afraid to elbow me to get his shot. I conceded and added that I was okay with elbowing if we could agree to avoid the face. He then said we should probably agree to no hair pulling then too.

I should probably talk about the actual concert…it was dynamite and you should have been there. =)
Enjoy some pictures.

I kind of heart the Banjo...but mainly because of Steve Martin.

Its obviously not so much about the sound at this point but the it looks cool and it causes a audience response of some type of hollering.

He was standing on a speaker here where I tried to shoot his tonsils.

The regular bass seems so lame when you see the stand up bass...not as travel friendly though.

The hat trick was attempted and failed throughout the night. The first time was uncomfortable for the audience but the more he failed at it the more endearing it was. By the time the hat actually landed on his head it was like the end of Rudy. =P