
Monday, August 23, 2021

Honua‘ula Forest Reserve - Big Island Hiking - Makaula-'o'oma Trails


Honua‘ula Forest Reserve hiking trail Kona Big Island Hawaii

Up above Kailua Kona is a cloud forrest much like the kind that you’d find at Volcanos National park. This reserve nestled at a high elevation on the slopes of Hualalai volcano invites you into cooler temperatures (68-72) than the sunny shores of Kona below. 

mossy strump on the Honua‘ula Forest Reserve hiking trail Big Island hawaii

A wet forrest to be sure as the trail is usually a little muddy and there is a fine mist or fog most days. If you attempt to come later in the day, it will probably be raining as most of upper Hualalai is beneath a rain cloud by late afternoon. 

There is an upper and lower option at the trailhead. It's 4.5 miles around the whole length or by section about 2 miles each. I’ve gotten lost once and it was because I left the trail to the wider path that frames it (the other side of this path is private property). There are stacked rocks at any crossroads and markers if you pay attention. =) 

There is also a map at the beginning of the trail and a quick snap of it, if you have your phone or digital camera with you, is a recommended move. I've also attached a photo of the new map below that was upgraded this year (2022).

Honua‘ula Forest Reserve Big Island Hawaii trees

Honua‘ula Forest Reserve cloud forrest Hawaii

Honua‘ula Forest Reserve Trail hiking Hawaii Kona

The songs of birds harmonizing with the insects is the soundtrack that plays when you arrive. The sweet smell of Kahili Ginger takes the soft hand of the cool air that slowly dances down your lungs and fills you with peace. Roots reach down the path creating steps that lead the way into this wonderland of giant ferns, moss covered stumps, tropical flowers and ohi’a trees. 

Kahili Ginger flower in the Honua‘ula Forest Hawaii

Honua‘ula Forest Hawaii moss

Dewdrops and rain drops caught in the fuzzy moss sparkle like precious stones. Endless textures mix with golds and fully saturated greens. 

Outside amongst nature offers infinite places for rest and for quiet. Honua’ula forest holds out the offer of tranquility to it’s visitors. You can breathe here and let everything else fall away. 

Kahili Ginger Hawaii

forest of yellow Kahili Ginger in Hawaii

Kahili Ginger on the Big Island of Hawaii

Honua'ula Forest Reserve Map

Honua'ula Forest Reserve Map


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Take this Heart of Stone


heart of stone to a heart of flesh, transformation

Yesterday evening as the sun began to set, I sat on a black jagged rock that was once red hot liquid. Transformed a few hundred years ago, unrecognizable as it's former self, by the cooling of the ocean. The water below me looked different than usual, a wind swell without the wind. The sun scatters across the thickening clouds searching for a place to break through. Tiny sparkles danced across patches of water like schools of fish quickly disappearing then reappearing in another location. 

The traffic jam of boats busting at the seams with snorkel affixed visitors were no longer seen to the farthest left nor the farthest right. Just like me, the ocean was recharging in their absence. Elegantly timed sets now a mosh pit. Each one jumping up to bump the other in white tipped peaks. I watched the underbelly of the clouds darken in full contrast from the sky above them. A butterfly fought the invisible force that suddenly stirred up the leaves of every shrub and every tree, awakening the coastline. The wind brought the soft pattering of rain as the droplets increased enough to collect in my open palms. 

It had been years since I let the rain soak me through. The beginning struck nerves with reactive tension in the same way being touched by a person used to feel. I needed to take deep breaths for it to subside, but it did subside. Tension released to a soothing rhythm. It washed over me with gentle mercy. My heart tender enough now to welcome this kindness. 


I still rest in the swaddle as the light branches out from the core strengthening me by a new approach. The tiniest of shimmers slowly transforming it's neighbor and spreading out until they shine bright enough to break through to the surface. 

My heart a lava rock in reverse. 

“It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”
― Lewis Carroll - Alice in Wonderland  

And I will give them one heart, a new heart, and put a new spirit within them. I will take from them the heart of stone, and will give them a heart of flesh that is responsive to My touch. Ezekiel 11:19