
Saturday, February 26, 2011

If I was from Paris....Grace Potter and more in Concert

 Music reviews are quite honestly useless now when it takes only seconds to pull up an artist online and listen for yourself. Yet articles that read simply, "LISTEN TO…….(fill in the blank)…TRUST ME" hardly sells records either. So reviews, discussions and blogs about music continue and I continue to dance about architecture.

I attended two concerts this week…6 if you count each band individually. =) On Monday at Exit/IN I saw, in order of performance, "The Kicks" and "The Old Ceremony," opening for "Eisley" and "Rooney". I didn't bring my camera to this show having forgot to ask in advance the camera policy of the venue. Not having that noose around my neck can be quite freeing sometimes, but some photographic evidence would have been nice too. A certain someone I've mentioned before also attended this concert which could have possibly been why I deemed it so unforgettable. My 4 star rating might be a tad tainted. And I tell you this part only to further exemplify just how cool and smooth I am, I literally fell on to him when I missed a step walking over to him. God must love a good awkward comedy, because I feel like I'm always in one.

"The Kicks" were a local Nashville band and fun enough to warrant my email being added to their mailing list for future concerts. Or perhaps it was the cutie guitarist asking me so sweetly...which I replied, "Okay, but its my junkmail one..." which got a few laughs. Their cd has been added to the listening station in my car…an awesome nod by the way. I noticed today it was recorded at Sputnik Sound which was that cool Christmas party I attended last year…such a small world this Nashville.

"Eisley" was having mic issues but still clearly ensured their new album would be added to my collection. If you love "Sixpence None the Richer," you will probably enjoy Eisley as well. "Rooney" brought the energy and made me sweat out any toxins that were left hiding in my body. I couldn't understand fans who just stood there…staring blankly as if listening to poetry night at the local cafe. I hope they weren't rating the music on its ability to move them. I got home around 1am from this concert and was so full of excitement I couldn't sleep. I ended up making dinner among a slew of other things and working the next day on 4 hours of sleep. It was like being an irresponsible 20 year old again. =P

On Thursday I saw at Cannery Ballroom "Jonathan Tyler and the Northern Lights" opening for "Grace Potter and the Nocturnals". And this concert is what I will go on and on about….with pictures anyway.

Jonathan Tyler I hadn't listened to previously so I went in completely and pleasantly surprised. It was a 1970s explosion. At first almost comically done by their threads but halfway through the first song you realized it was quite authentic. We'd gone back in time..and that pencil thin 'stach was stretched across a mouth that could wail.
If I still had photoshop I could remove the bald man who ruined a lot of my shots. lol

It's taken me a couple of days to talk about the Grace Potter concert. It rocked my world and my socks off simultaneously. It left me speechless and even now I am having a hard time saying more than it was the best concert I've ever been too. So just enjoy the pictures, play the cd and pretend you were there.

Every band needs at least two guitarists. Scott and Benny were so awesome.
The setlist included songs from the last 3 albums and a few covers.

Above: Grace covering a "My Morning Jacket" song.
During the show, a woman leans over to me and informs me that she is a 911 operator and that there are tornadoes touching down in Franklin. So I guess I will forgive her for texting during the show. And unbeknownst to those of us rocking out, there were also Tornado sirens waling outside in Nashville.

Grace's voice oozes so much sex appeal that even the non smokers were craving cigarettes, that the ladies in the audience had a collective thought, "Hmmm…do I really like guys?" and everyone was mentally preparing with whom they were going to get busy with as soon she hit the last note.

The music…oh my….the music…..every song seem to be the rock out closer…but then another would begin. A continuing cycle of musical awesomeness.
Every band should have two girls in it. It's just better that way.
Oh Benny....

Eventually "Paris" ended the show followed by two encores…a cover of "Crazy on you" and their song "Medicine"…..which ended with everyone playing the drums at the same time. lol

When the show was over, I waited for the cluster to break apart and thin out before heading for the doors. But at the second set of doors the same cluster seemed to be waiting, as there was quite the down pour happening outside. So in the waiting crowd I removed my fish nets and stilettos (Hot..I know), put my camera in a plastic bag I'd brought just in case (God, I'm smart) and ran through the parking lot barefoot and soaked to the bone by the time I reached my car. I know what you're thinking, "where's that picture?". Yea, I thought about it but the logistics were just too crazy.

Turning onto Franklin Road there was something odd about the drive home. It took me a second to realize just what it was…the absence of light. The traffic and street lights were out. It was pitch black nearly the whole drive home which quite frankly was scary as hell. But as I got closer to Franklin there was light at the end of the tunnel and besides a few neighbors trash cans blown into my driveway and a few tree branches all was serene. I'd been in Paris in the 1970s and missed the whole damn thing.

Comments are appreciated. I know everyone likes to send me personal messages but it makes it look like no one reads this thing but me. =P


  1. You're pictures are fantastic! It's quite a talent.

  2. thanks for the great read! Having to miss so many shows, I live, vicariously, via blogs and reviews;photos and recordings.
    Scott's Mom - Chere

  3. Thanks so much Chere, that made my day. =)
