
Sunday, January 22, 2012

BRAINS!!! Living Dead in Zombieland (Franklin)

Halloween fell on a Monday, so for the weekday, "A" and I were Batman and Robin. But on the weekend we were the undead. Every year our little town puts on Pumpkinfest and about 5,000 people flood the closed streets of downtown Franklin. We hope that most will be in costume but unfortunately its closer to 35% and 25% of those are children...and dogs.

Did their parents not read the part about the "poison" apple? Or perhaps they are being ironic...if so, nice.

Who doesn't love a labrodoodle...who doesn't love to say the word, Labrodoodle? But a Labrodoodle in a tux..its almost so cute its obnoxious.

Our thrift and closet shopping experience for superheroes was so fruitful we went back for Zombie attire. "A" was going to be a Prom Queen Zombie and me a Catholic schoolgirl Zombie. "Our Thrift Store" provided me with an authentic catholic schoolgirl skort for $0.25 and I found a tie in the matching colors for $1.99. I also found a navy cableknit sweater there too. I'd wanted a cardigan but when I didn't find one in the color I wanted I decided I could just cut down the middle of a regular sweater. I had an old white button shirt I was about to donate to Goodwill so I fished it out of the box in my trunk. The white knee-highs were $1.99 at target and I already had the Mary Janes...once again...a girl shoe staple.

Being almost as pale as a Zombie I already owned pale makeup and I had even paler makeup from trial and error makeup shopping. All I needed was fake blood. And Red food coloring worked just fine.

"A" came over to my house early so we could get zombiefied together. I poured red food coloring on my hands and grabbed at my white shirt and socks while yelling "brains!!". I ripped up my sweater and skirt. I hoped no one driving by saw some of what was going on and called the police. Taken out of contence I guess it was a little gruesome.

After our makeup deadified us a little and enough blood was shed, we posied for pictures.

We walked to Pumpkinfest and decided to get chili at the chili cook-off first before it was all gone. Normally Zombies only eat brains but a little known fact...Zombies also love Chili...and Fritos.

A stop at the Catholic Church's chili booth and one of the Fathers commented that I looked so familiar. =P I love when religious people say something humorous and totally unexpected. Their chili however needed some work. The Holy water was not a great secrete ingredient.

After walking the loop a few times and checking out other peoples lame and or store bought costumes we decided it was time for a Zombie photo shoot and headed over to the cemetery.

"You're a great friend, but if the Zombies attack, I'm tripping you."

"Zombies were people too."

"Zombies HATE fast food"

Back to get a big brain.

Death LOVED us.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Keep spreading zombie love and the truth that zombies love chili.
