
Friday, February 10, 2017

Gluten Free Zucchini Parm Pasta

Gluten Free Pasta

Pasta makes everything better. It creates an immediate comfort like no other food.
Gluten free pasta which once had a similar taste and texture to recycled cardboard has gotten fantastic in recent years. I've tried a lot of brands and by far my favorite linguine is Ancient Harvest quinoa and corn. I wait for a sale at Whole Foods or Target and stock up. They run sales on the product line frequently!

This quick (8-15 minutes) vegetarian recipe combines:

Olive Oil
Shaved Parmesan
Irish Butter
Pink Sea Salt

Boil water for the pasta. While you are waiting, sautée the sliced zucchini on medium in virgin olive oil (I add enough for a coating of the veggies but not a pool of it). Add a dash of turmeric to the zucchini and turn the slices over as they start to brown. After the zucchini is lightly browned on both sides, remove from heat. Boil the noodles until they are the texture of your liking. I don't like them too done so I try little pieces throughout the process until it tastes perfect. I make this for one and cook about half of the noodles in the box.

Drain pasta and put in bowl. Add the zucchini, salt and pepper to taste, a sprinkling of shaved parm and a few slices of Irish butter. Gently mix with a fork so the butter can melt. Enjoy!

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