Friday, May 17, 2024

The Nest

Finch nest made of moss and small twigs

The Nest ~

Home near the water and in the trees

Hear the birds and taste the seas

Bring moss and twigs and flowers

We'll be weaving and twisting for hours

Search out the world for green materials

Coastal edges, Mountain ledges, and ethereals 

Finally, it is done, it is finished, but only almost complete 

Soon A round one, then a new one, a teeny tiny tweet

Finch Nest made of moss and small twigs hanging in Ixora

Finch nest made of moss and small twigs hanging in Ixora
A tiny Finch nest I came across today while pruning the Ixora. Barely big enough to hold one chicken egg. I was most impressed by the Moss. It's a dry coastal climate here. That’s a special order item, mountain trip for daddy bird or Amazon delivery. There's an array of Finches in close vicinity, some smaller than the hibiscus flowers or as big as the flying cockroaches. Some dandy in tuxedos, some flower lovers in yellow, or green or red. Most with a Hawaiian name beginning with "A". 
Finch Nest in Hawaii
Finch Nest Hanging in Ixora

Orange and Pink Ixora in Hawaii
Orange and Pink Ixora 

Matthew 13:32
and of all the seeds, the mustard seed is the smallest, but when it has grown it is the largest of the garden herbs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air find shelter in its Branches."